About Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website

Chinese consumers don’t need the purpose of Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website explained to them.


The relevance of the essential new Chinese TLDs is clear and intuitive to Chinese people.

Dot Chinese Online (.在线)

When Chinese consumers search Baidu or Google for an online product or service (such as “hotels” or “shoes”) they use the search term + the Chinese word for “online” — the same characters as Dot Chinese Online. The Chinese word 在线 is the precise and only translation for the English word “online” — there is no ambiguity about the purpose of  websites and services in a Dot Chinese Online domain.

The usefulness and popularity of 在线 (“online”) has been validated by hundreds of famous and highly trafficked web properties, including AOL, F1 motor racing, key state news portals (including all Chinese provinces and key cities), and many of the largest web services platforms, including those for tickets, hotels, gaming, gadgets and many more important sectors.

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Dot Chinese Website (.中文网)

When Chinese consumers search Baidu of Google for the Chinese language version of an international website, they use the search term + the Chinese word for “Chinese Website” — the same characters as Dot Chinese Website. Dot Chinese Website is the natural home for Chinese language news and media sites. The Chinese phrase 中文网 (“Chinese language website”) is the utterly standard phrase that communicates to Chinese netizens that the site is localized into Chinese. Like the Chinese characters for Dot Chinese Online, the characters for Dot Chinese Website have been validated by hundreds of the most famous localized Chinese sites on the web. Brands, corporates and publishers as diverse as Nokia, MSN, Reuters, Jay Chou, the NBA, Eminem, CNBC, IMDb, Real Madrid, Samsung, the United Nations, the BBC and scores of others are already using 中文网 in their names.

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